
Issue Title
Vol 46, No 1 (2018) Decolonising Development? Re-claiming Biko and a Black Theology of Liberation within the context of Faith Based Organisations in South Africa Abstract  Remote  PDF
Nadine Bowers Du Toit
Vol 45, No 1 (2017) A Comparative Discourse on Christian and Secular Distinctive Features of Transformational Development Abstract  PDF
Ephraim Yoms, Nadine Bowers Du Toit
Vol 44, No 2 (2016) Towards a theology of development in the Uniting Reformed Church in Southern Africa (URCSA): Embodying Article 4 of the Belhar Confession Abstract  PDF  PDF
Jacques Walter Beukes, Mary-Anne Plaatjies van Huffel
Vol 46, No 1 (2018) The dynamics of multicultural Youth Ministry in a changing South Africa Abstract  PDF
Alex Strecker, Marilyn Naidoo
Vol 43, No 3 (2015) The Ecumenical Movement and Development: The role of personhood Abstract  PDF
John Klaasen
Vol 52 (2024) Pentecostal Missional Ecclesiology Based on Acts 2:42-47 Contributes towards Sustainable Development in Communities Abstract  PDF
Kelebogile Thomas Resane
Vol 49 (2021) The Seventh-day Adventist Church and the quest for transformational development in contemporary Nigeria: Perspectives from an empirical study Abstract  PDF
Ignatius Swart, Olugbenga Adetokunbo Efuntade
Vol 45, No 1 (2017) The role of peesonhood in development: An African perspective of development for South Africa Abstract  PDF
John Klaasen
Vol 43, No 3 (2015) Missio Dei and Youth Ministry: mobilizing young peoples assets and developing realationships Abstract  PDF
Jeremy Gregory Wyngaard
Vol 41, No 3 (2013) Between Empire and Anti-Empire: African Mission in the 21st Century Abstract  PDF
Stuart C Bate
Vol 52 (2024) African Pentecostal Mission of Liberation and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development: An intersectional-decolonial Perspective Abstract  PDF
Themba Shingange
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