
Issue Title
Vol 42, No 1-2 (2014) The Evangelical-Lutheran Church in South Africa: an introduction to its archival resources held at the Lutheran Theological Institute (LTI) Library, and the challenges facing this archive (Part One). Abstract  PDF
Francis Garaba, Annalise Zarvedinos
Vol 46, No 3 (2018) From mission to church; from church to mission? The Bantu Presbyterian Church of South Africa: The first ten years, 1923-1933 Abstract  PDF  PDF
Graham Alexander Duncan
Vol 42, No 1-2 (2014) The Evangelical-Lutheran Church in South Africa: an introduction to its archival resources held at the Lutheran Theological Institute (LTI) Library, and the challenges facing this archive (Part Two). Abstract  PDF
Francis Garaba, Annalise Zarvedinos
Vol 43, No 2 (2015) Integrating Suum-ngi Theology of Peace in Gindiri Theological Seminary Curriculum in Nigeria. An African Theological Perspective Abstract  PDF
Benjamin J Pokol, Chamma Kaunda
Vol 52 (2024) Church uniforms as signs of piety: An exploration of the significance of church regalia in the United Baptist Church of Zimbabwe Abstract  PDF
Elijah Ngoweni Dube
Vol 42, No 1-2 (2014) Engaging in the Struggle for Economic Justice in the Streets of the City of Tshwane Abstract  PDF
Dumisane W Methula
Vol 50 (2022) The influence of the missionary legacy on the practice of discipleship in the Anglican Church of Uganda Abstract  PDF
Marilyn Naidoo, Jessica Louise Hughes
Vol 51 (2023) Missionary ventures of Ghanaian Pentecostals in Europe An exploration of “Reverse Mission” within the Church of Pentecost in Belgium Abstract  PDF
Kwame Oppong-Konadu
Vol 50 (2022) South Africa General Mission (SAGM) Missionaries and the Ndau People of Chimanimani, Zimbabwe Abstract  PDF
Elijah Elijah Ngoweni Dube
Vol 44, No 2 (2016) So that We Might Become the Righteousness and Justice of God: Re-examining the Gospel in 2 Cor 5:21 for the Church's Contribution to a Better World Abstract  PDF
Dustin W Ellington
Vol 50, No 1 (2022): Special Edition: Re-imagining a new social contract between the State and Society “Lewe vir die stad” – Life/Live for the city A case study of reimagining congregational culture and its relationship with the city as a first step towards establishing a new social contract Abstract  PDF
Doret Niemandt
Vol 46, No 1 (2018) Temple symbolism and mission in the pauline churches Abstract  PDF  PDF
Leendert Brouwer
Vol 49 (2021) Missional and indigenization nexus Assemblies of God and Grace Bible Church in South Africa Abstract  PDF
Kelebogile Thomas Resane
Vol 43, No 3 (2015) Funding Gods Mission: Towards a Missiology of Generosity Abstract  PDF
Kirk J Franklin, Cornelius J.P. Niemandt
Vol 52 (2024) Exploring the concept of Fatherhood in addressing Moral Decline of Young People: A case study on Fatherhood among Christian believers Abstract  PDF
Eugene Elmar Keet, Eugene Baron
Vol 45, No 2 (2017) The Challenges of Climate Change and the Culpability of Churches: Towards an Effective Church Climate Change Action in Nigeria Abstract  PDF
George Christian Nche, Hilary Chukwuka Achunike, Anuli Okoli
Vol 42, No 3 (2014) Prophetic Mission of Faith Communities during Apartheid South Africa, 1948-1994: An agenda for Prophetic Mission Praxis in the Democratic SA Abstract  PDF
Tobias M Masuku
Vol 47, No 3 (2019) A young church in mission or maintenance mode?: A case study of the Bantu Presbyterian Church of South Africa (1923-1999) Abstract  PDF
Graham Alexander Duncan
Vol 45, No 2 (2017) The Role of Christianity and Islam in Slavery: A Wesleyan Interpretation Abstract  PDF
Saneta Maiko
Vol 52 (2024) The World Council of Churches Programme to Combat Racism: A South African response changes in global mission policy Abstract  PDF
Graham Alexander Duncan
Vol 50 (2022) Sustaining the Mission of the Church in Education A Narrative of Christian Higher Education in Post-1990 Zambia Abstract  PDF
Nelly Mwale
Vol 51 (2023) Diaconate as model of ministry for urban locations Abstract  PDF
John S Klaasen
Vol 44, No 2 (2016) Towards a theology of development in the Uniting Reformed Church in Southern Africa (URCSA): Embodying Article 4 of the Belhar Confession Abstract  PDF  PDF
Jacques Walter Beukes, Mary-Anne Plaatjies van Huffel
Vol 50, No 1 (2022): Special Edition: Re-imagining a new social contract between the State and Society Reimagining a new social contract in the public space Evangelical Church and Society Abstract  PDF
Donald Ross Anderson
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