Erlo Hartwig Stegen: Pioneer, missionary and revival preacher in an apartheid South Africa

Elfrieda Marie-Louise Fleischmann, Ignatius W Ferreira, Claudia Gouws, Francois Muller


As not much academic attention has been paid to the life and ministry of Erlo Hartwig Stegen (1935-present), his paper seeks to provide more insight into Erlo Stegen’s pioneering journey towards a self-sustainable protestant rural Zulu mission station, KwaSizabantu Mission, in an apartheid South Africa. Data was gleaned from interviews, documents, newsletters, reports and sermons. Thematic content analysis provided more insight into Stegen’s pioneering, missionary endeavours as well his journey towards an awakening among the Zulus. We argue that the missiological impact of Stegen’s ministry had benefitted the Zulu nation greatly.


Apartheid, Erlo Stegen, Pioneer, KwaSizabantu Mission, missionary, pioneer, revival, self-sustainable mission, South Africa.

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