
Issue Title
Vol 50 (2022) Missio-pastoral and theological implications for migration and increased demagoguing in South Africa Abstract  PDF
Buhle Southern Mpofu
Vol 43, No 3 (2015) Citizenship in the Brazilian Context theoretically, practically and theologically Abstract  PDF
Rudolf von Sinner
Vol 51 (2023) Reimagining How Urban Theology can be used as a Theological Tool that Links Faith and Justice in South Africa Abstract  PDF
Innocent Mabheka
Vol 49 (2021) From the Margins to the Centre: Commercialisation of Religion - Threat or an Opportunity in Pentecostalism? Abstract  PDF
Daniel Nicolaas Andrew
Vol 45, No 2 (2017) Toward an African-Christian Demonology: The Demonologies of African Traditional Religion, African Christianity, and Early Christianity in Dialogue Abstract  PDF
Hans Moscicke
Vol 43, No 3 (2015) For coming out of the closets: HIV and AIDS and Theology in Brazil Abstract  PDF
André Musskopf
Vol 43, No 3 (2015) Whiteness and Public Theology: an Exploration of Listening Abstract  PDF
Cobus Van Wyngaard
Vol 41, No 3 (2013) Between Empire and Anti-Empire: African Mission in the 21st Century Abstract  PDF
Stuart C Bate
Vol 50, No 1 (2022): Special Edition: Re-imagining a new social contract between the State and Society Corruption an impediment to economic reconstruction and recovery: A glocal missional approach Abstract  PDF
Daniel Nicolaas Andrew
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